Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing


At Hinckley Parks Primary School, our aim is to care for and develop the whole child educationally, emotionally, spiritually, morally and physically. We ensure there is a positive, supportive and inclusive ethos where children can thrive and achieve their personal best. Good mental health and wellbeing are essential in order for pupils to reach their educational potential. We endeavour to equip our pupils to make life long, well informed decisions about their diet and health. Our aim is to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of every member of our school community and recognise how important mental health and wellbeing is to our lives, as is physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health and overall wellbeing can affect their learning and achievement. We are particularly mindful of the impact the global Coronavirus pandemic has had upon the wellbeing of our pupils, therefore we are proactively looking out for signs of anxiety and stress so that we can put in support early.


What do we do at Hinckley Parks Primary School to support children’s emotional well-being and mental health?

What do we do at Hinckley Parks Primary School to support children’s emotional well-being and mental health?


Our Values-Led Approach

Assemblies and class time are used to promote our values-led approach, which, coupled with work across the school on how to self-regulate their emotions, (including Chimp Management and work on Growth Mindset), teaches children how to manage challenge in both their work and their behaviour. This results in pupils who see mistakes as opportunities to progress, using resilience and perseverance to achieve their potential. It also teaches pupils that they are responsible for their own behaviour, and gives them the skills to make positive choices. For example, peaceful problem solving is taught to help children learn to control and manage feelings when there are disagreements on the playground.

Quality First Teaching

In all areas of school life, our children are encouraged to embrace challenge, to strive high and to realise that they are the masters of their own success. Pupils are encouraged to support each other to reach their academic potential and access their learning, and at times of potential stress (i.e. tests, times of change, incidents of falling out), we ensure that pupils are supported to manage their anxiety, through the sharing of support strategies when needed.

Our Curriculum

Positive wellbeing is promoted throughout the curriculum and all school activities. Through a carefully planned approach to E-Safety, Science, Physical Education and PSHE (including Protective Behaviours and the Spring Fever), our pupils are helped to acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, and to become resilient, informed and responsible citizens.

Additional Targeted Provision

Where pupils are in need of further support, we provide interventions and counselling tailored to their individual need, including access to Mrs Grundy, our Family Support Worker who works with individual children and their families. We ensure that pupils, parents and staff know where they can go if they need further help and support.

Other Whole School Initiatives

We provide a wide range of after school clubs which promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing. These include a variety of sports clubs, cookery club and gardening club. In addition, whole school events are held including Mental Health Awareness Week (May), Healthy Schools Week (June) and Anti-bullying Week (November). During these events, the focus is on mindfulness and resilience with the purpose of teaching children strategies for dealing with anxiety and copying with changes.

Want to know more?


The Expert Parent's Guide to Anxiety has been written to support parents in helping children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age. To access this guide please click here.

This is a very useful website you may wish to access to support your child in terms of behaviour and mental health:

Hinckley Parks anti-bullying policy - click here

Hinckley Parks wellbeing policy - click here